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Perichoresis - Original Me Logo - Relationship of God - Father - Son - Holy Spirit - Graphic Design
You Matter

Pick one of the graphics as a starting point to re-know who God created you to be!

See the Story of the Logo


How does choosing to identify with a word transform us? The word by itself doesn’t. It’s who speaks the word and what we understand the word to say about us that matters. Choosing one word is only a beginner’s step, but yet is oh so crucial because the hardest step is most often the first. One way to start is by identifying with a word that is true about how God sees us. Even though some of us may doubt that all these words can be true about us (at least to begin with), we can start by choosing the one word that resonates the most.

What is spiritual transformation? Many of us who identify as Christians often think of it as a conversion from something old and bad to something new and good. Although there is some truth to that thought, maybe we should think about it differently? What if our spiritual conversion isn’t a conversion? Conversion is defined as: an experience associated with the definite and decisive adoption of a religion. What if this change is better understood as a re-cognizing (re-knowing) that you are not adopting Jesus, but that Jesus has already adopted you?

God reveals our identity in Jesus, and we are transformed by our re-cognition of the ever-present, indwelling God with&in whom Jesus betroths us as being One with God (the Relationship of Father, Son, Holy Spirit). For those of us who don’t identify as Christian, think about it more like the part of you that you’ve always known as good to be what defines you, not our baggage. 

read more about Transformation at

Model wearing Original Me apparel

Original Me is You!

Original Me is who you are as God sees you – who God created you to be, not a secular or religious (self-created) version/s of you. In the spirit of spreading our wings to fly (whether we believe in God or not), allow yourself to entertain the idea that there is a God and that this God is a Relationship (what you may or may not have heard referred to as the Trinity). It is you receiving the gift of your identity. 

Original Me is also about giving this gift to others. It is about sharing this good news of union with God that heals, restores, encourages, and hopes. It is about experiencing Love (receiving & giving). It is about celebrating:

  • Life experienced with God in each moment…
  • The Life of God that is always with and in each of us…
  • a Love that you may not re-cognize, nor believe exists.

You might be thinking, maybe this is meant for somebody else, but not for me? If you find yourself agreeing with that doubt… that feeling… that fear… that false belief about yourself, then you need to hear God’s thoughts about you. God created you to be: Free, Seen, Heard, Understood, Known, Included, Unique, Valued, Chosen, Respected, Cherished, Pursued, Adored, Desired, Beautiful, Creative, Celebrated, Forgiven, Honored, Loved and ONE with&in the Relationship of Father,Son,Spirit.

With this in mind, understand that Original Me is about God (the Relationship of Father, Son, Spirit as Love) in You in a unique way that is unlike the expression of the relationship of Father,Son,Spirit in any other person! Yes, God thinks you are special! God + You is Your Original Me. It is about You being One with&in God as the Father,Son,Spirit are ONE! You are invited into this ONENESS relationship by God in Jesus. Jesus died to reveal that God has included you… to convince you of how much you are Loved.

The price Jesus paid for us is our Bride’s price (not a transactional payoff for sins – but is a demonstration of how much you as the Bride are valued). Our God designed destiny is only found in participating in the Love that created us. From before the foundations of this world, you and I are an original thought of the infinite God(F,S,S) who needs nothing from us to be God, but who desires (“needs” in the sense of desiring) for us to accept our adoption into union with God(F,S,S). Our created purpose exists in this Love (our home) in the ONENESS of the family of Father,Son,Spirit (F,S,S).

read more at Original Me is You at

Perichoresis Logo Sweatshirt Original Me Love God Jesus

Original Me Daily Exercise!

In just a few minutes daily you can transform (reprogram) the image you have of yourself into the image of God in which you are created because that is who you are supposed to be. God created you in the image of the Relationship of the F,S,S!

Col 1:27 – the mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory!

Remember that the beauty of the gospel is that Jesus has already invited and accepted us into His life as ONE with the Father, not that you have invited Jesus into yours.

Want to change your identity?  Click here to go to Original Me Daily Exercise!

You Are Created to Be Original Me Bulb Life Love Jesus God Relationship